
Showing posts from March, 2024

SWN With a level 0 funnel - Play Report

Intro My playgroup typically only plays D&D5e. We're currently playing the "Oddysey of the Dragonlords" module, in which for some reason, our characters seem to be unable to actually die. As our usual GM needed a break to study for exams, I decided it'd be a good change of pace for the players to experience a permadeath bloodbath. Cashing in on the recent hype train of Helldivers and the resurgence of Starship Troopers, I decided they'd get to see how they fare as grunts in a sci-fi army, with the first session being a DCC-Style Funnel . Would you like to know more? Art Credit: Andrew Andreev Character Creation Arriving at the session, I have 3 players, whom I each hand an A4 with 4 character sheets on it (credit to /u/Hodaza on reddit). Each of them roll 3d6 in order for stats and note down their bonuses, and 1d6+Con for hit points. They note down 10+Dex for AC, they repeat this 4 times, and that's it. They're done making their characters. That to...