Mausritter Play Report
While I typically only run games for veterans of the hobby, people who are game masters themselves, it is important to introduce new people to the hobby sometimes, both so that they may get a chance to grow into good players themselves, and for you as a GM to experience fresh new ideas and questions. I decided to do just that yesterday with " Mausritter : Sword-and-whiskers role-playing". Character Creation Each of my players drew up a mouse, and then rolled to see what stats, equipment and how much HP and currency they'd start with. Two of them got spells: "Heal" and "Be Understood". Then they each grab a weapon of choice, a torch and some rations, and that's character creation done in 10 minutes. "Frodo Mousekins": Sometimes you have to make compromises with players on what fantasy genre you're playing. Honey in the Rafters This adventure, which fits on a 3-sided pamphlet, came with the box set. We had about 2.5 hours set asi...