The Torch Code

You're deep in the dungeon with dwindling supplies, and the DM has just rolled a random encounter check. You hear footsteps walking on the other side of the wall, and you all clutch tight onto your spears and shields and get ready for what may be your last battle. The DM rolls a d6. It lands on a two, and he announces that the band of goblins are carrying a torch emanating a purple flame. You breathe a sigh of relief and sheathe your weapons and talk to them. 


Art by /u/macteg


The Torch Code

Your matchbox costs 1GP. It has 6 sides with 6 different colors. Striking a match against a given side produces a flame of the same color, which have the following meanings:

  1. White Flame: We mean no harm. We merely seek passage.
  2. Purple Flame: We mean no harm. We wish to trade.
  3. Blue Flame: Surrender and you will be spared.
  4. Green Flame: We want your treasure and your blood. No quarter will be given.
  5. Yellow/Orange Flame: Neutral/No special meaning.
  6. Red Flame: I am the ruler/authority in this place.

You must hold fast to the meaning of your torch (e.g. holding a white flame and attacking others who do too, or holding a blue flame and executing prisoners is not permitted). If you have broken the torch code, you are cursed with colorblindness. If you're unsure of your diplomatic stance, hold up a yellow/orange flame. 




  1. This is very cool. If you reorder them in a sort of "good to bad" order, it can double as a sort of reaction table.

  2. A very cool idea! I agree with Revered Dak about reordering them to be more of an encounter table


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